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How Gen-Z Professionals Can Navigate A Side Gig On Top Of A Day Job

Expert Panel® Forbes Councils Member | Source

Gen-Z professionals are carving out their own unique career paths in today’s fast-paced and dynamic job market. One trait that distinguishes many members of this generation is their ability to juggle both a day job and a side hustle (or several) at once. While taking this multitasking approach to generating more income and practicing new skills can offer financial benefits and real professional growth, it also comes with its own set of challenges.

As the lines between work and personal life blur, it can become more challenging for Gen-Zers to effectively handle a side gig alongside their primary role with their main employer. Here, 18 Forbes Coaches Council members share advice for up-and-coming professionals looking to excel while managing this balancing act.

1. Manage Expectations

The key to juggling anything is managing expectations. In theory, your “primary” day job should not suffer due to a side gig. As long as you live up to your respective commitments, take advantage of the opportunity. However, if your “primary boss” doesn’t think they have your undivided attention, accept that tradeoff in possible career advancement. - Brian Dakin, On The Ball Theory

2. Align Passion With Expertise And Education

Aligning passion with expertise and education creates a powerful synergy in Gen-Z’s side-gig pursuits. If it comes to a failure, then at least it was enjoyable, and you learned skills in a field you love. If you succeed, then it amplifies joy in terms of both personal fulfillment and financial achievement. It’s a win-win scenario. - Liudmila Schafer, MD, FACP, The Doctor Connect Consultancy

3. Know How To Tell Your Career Story

Learn how to say “yes” to the right opportunity, and consider your work experiences and outside activities as parts of a portfolio that balances your interests, talent and skills. Remember, it’s about your value and contributions to others. Your ability to effectively weave these experiences together will help you navigate different industries, functions and locations. - Joanne Markow, GreenMason

4. Prioritize To Stay Organized

While some people are organized, many are not and struggle in this area. Using human-centered design methods is a great way to prioritize work based on importance and level of effort. Also, it is very important to break down work into small chunks and complete bits and pieces of one item at a time so that you can move the needle on multiple items. - Carmelina Piedra, CareerCoaching

5. Focus On Your Day Job First

Be an outstanding performer in your day job, since it likely pays the majority of your bills and often provides benefits and security. Having a solid platform upon which to experiment with a side job gives you the leeway to be creative and potentially turn said part-time gig into your full-time role someday. - Scott Singer, Insider Career Strategies

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6. Have Faith In All You Do

As a mom to a Gen-Zer, here’s what I would say: Have faith in all you do. Write out your vision for yourself, always revisit it and be okay with tweaking it. Be open, learn everything from everyone, no matter who they are, practice time management and take care of your mental health. Do your thing, but make sure you do it on a high level! - Kurline J Altes, KURLINEJSPEAKS LLC

7. Understand Your ‘Why’ First

A side gig can be financially rewarding, but in the long run, it should not distract you from your main interest. Unless you are still finding out what is right for you, make sure to set priorities and focus your energy and time on what matters to you and has a growth potential. - Olga Kiendler, OK Transformation

8. Be Transparent About Your Side Gig

Make sure you are fully transparent with people at your primary job, and make sure they support the side gig. Sometimes, a side gig can be viewed as a conflict of interest, so it’s best to get the “okay” before starting something new. Understand the expectations of the primary job, such as how will your work be deemed successful. Thoughtfully use your time accordingly, and maintain healthy boundaries. - Melissa DeLuca, DeLuca & Willow

9. Seek Support And Guidance From Mentors

Experienced mentors and professionals can offer valuable insights and advice and help you navigate potential challenges when taking on a side gig alongside your primary job. Their expertise can contribute to a successful and fulfilling experience, eliminate a lot of headaches for you and help you achieve success a lot quicker than doing it on your own. - Angela Sedran, The Business Growth Accelerator

10. Understand Why Your Side Gig Is Important

Is your side gig intended to supplement income? Is it to fill a gap in interests? Is it for variety and stimulation different from what you are doing professionally? Is it to serve as a backup in case the day job goes awry? Most importantly, could you achieve all of these things within your day job if you simply ask for more challenges and opportunities? - Sherre DeMao, BizGrowth Inc

11. Let Curiosity Guide You

You’ll never work a day in your life if you love what you do. My generation went nose-to-the-grindstone right out of college and took whatever opportunities their job offered. We set aside that voice saying, “There might be something more interesting over there.” I advise both young and mature people to let curiosity be their guide. Work is way too important to be miserable all the time. - Randy Shattuck, The Shattuck Group

12. Gauge Your Energy And Time

Balancing multiple roles demands strategy and foresight. Gauge your energy and time, review your main job’s policies and select side gigs that enhance your career skills. Establish firm work boundaries, stay organized with tools and align actions with long-term aspirations. Maintain transparency about your availability, periodically evaluate your side gigs’ worth and always consider tax implications. - Lara Augusta, Embracing Potentiality

13. Align Your Decisions With Your Values

I’d guide clients to ask themselves, “What is important to me in the context of my career?” and then to prioritize the list to identify their top values. When they align their decisions and behavior with their top values, they will be more fulfilled. For instance, if creativity is a top value, and their primary job is not creative, taking on a creative side gig can boost their satisfaction and well-being. - Vered Kogan, Momentum Institute

14. Don’t Lose Sight Of Your Ultimate Goal

Be clear about the life and career you want to build for yourself, and avoid stretching yourself too thin. Seeking out one or more mentors can be a great way to help navigate how to juggle different jobs while staying focused on the big picture. - Carol Geffner, CB Vision LLC.

15. Work Smarter, Not Harder

Having a side gig is great if you want to make a little extra money and stay mediocre at your day job. Imagine using that side-gig time and energy to perfect your craft and increase your income for the hours you already work. Use that time to study and hone your craft. Don’t step over dollars to pick up pennies. Increase your value by becoming the best at what you do. - Ryan Stewman, Break Free Academy

16. Tread Lightly

Nowhere in the gig-economy handbook does it say that your boss or employer at your day job will be okay with this. Granted, many professionals in various professions must do this to offset a lower steady salary and generate more income; it’s an unfortunate reality of life. Remember that it’s your choice, and you are still an at-will employee in both circumstances. - Joshua Miller, Joshua Miller Executive Coaching

17. Evaluate The Side Gig’s Sustainability

Taking on a side gig in addition to a primary day job can be an exciting opportunity for growth, creativity and additional income, but it also poses risks of overcommitment and burnout. It’s crucial to carefully evaluate present circumstances, such as workload, work-life blend and other existing duties. A side gig doesn’t only depend on effort being put into it, but also on the sustainability of the gig over time. - Thomas Lim, Technicorum Holdings

18. Allow Passion To Drive You

Align side work with personal interests to fuel motivation. Employ time-management techniques, and don’t let the extra job overshadow primary responsibilities. Being transparent with your main employer fosters trust. While side gigs can amplify growth, ensure self-care and work-life harmony to sustain success. - Andre Shojaie, HumanLearn

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