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14 Creative Ways Professionals Can Get Centered And Stay Grounded

A core principle of success in the business world is staying centered, grounded and realistic in the face of any challenges that might arise. Depending on the issues you encounter, however, a calm and collected mindset can be difficult to maintain. Thankfully, there are proven ways to control stress and keep your composure.

While meditation, medication and exercise are often cited as being among the best tools a professional can use to achieve a healthier, more balanced outlook, there are plenty of other effective methods of centering yourself and staying grounded in a professional context. Below, a panel of Forbes Coaches Council members share creative strategies for doing so.

Forbes Coaches Council members share creative ways for professionals to center themselves and stay grounded.


1. Stop Taking Things Personally

So much of our stress and worry happen when we interpret certain conversations or situations to mean something negative about us. Ask a trusted friend or colleague to help you look at the situation through an objective lens, and you’ll see that one of the biggest ways to get grounded is to not allow other people’s words or actions to challenge your worth. - Stacy Campesi, SLC Coaching

2. Focus On A Vision Of Where You’re Going

Every day, we go through thousands of situations and make thousands of decisions—some pleasant, some not so pleasant. Situations where everything becomes important at the same time definitely cause a lot of stress. The good news is that focusing on our goals and having a clear vision of where we are going and how we are getting there can get us back on track. - Vladymyr Trush, IT-MBA.Academy

3. Reduce Incoming Distractions

The average professional today is met with thousands of bits of information each day, and this easily compounds stress and reduces efficiency. Taking deliberate steps to reduce notifications, alarms and other incoming distractions is key. In addition, implementing a reliable system of personal organization allows you to declutter your mind, focus and increase creativity. - Carmen Bolanos, Carmen Bolanos Coaching

4. Find A Creative Outlet

Finding a creative outlet is immensely valuable for releasing stress we inadvertently store in our bodies. Whether it’s painting, sketching, gardening or even photography, it allows us to create emotional flow, thus releasing pent-up emotion and often energizing and inspiring us. In addition, a creative activity is a form of active rest that gives us a revitalizing break while we are still awake. - Linda Aiyer, InfinitU Consulting

5. Declutter Your Mind

Declutter your mind by letting go of whatever no longer serves you yet still preoccupies the mental space. In order to know what needs to go, you need to get clear on what you want to keep. You can have it all, but not always, nor all at the same time. To know what should stay, you need to keep reevaluating what is important to you at any given time and what you are willing to do to focus on it. - Kasia Jamroz, Conscious Leading Solutions L.L.C.

6. Reconnect With Your Energy

Centering yourself can be difficult, especially in the face of immense stress. First, reconnect with your energy and be present within the bigger picture. Intentionally breathe in a rhythmic pattern. Connect with nature by watering a plant, for example, or by looking out a window. Appreciate some kind of art, perhaps music or a souvenir from a past trip. And finally, generate gratitude. - Nalini Saxena, Elicit™ Consulting

7. Volunteer Your Time

Take the attention off of yourself and spend some time with a nonprofit serving underprivileged kids or in other situations where you are learning something new in service to others. You’ll feel good about contributing and being a part of something bigger. - Joanne Markow, GreenMason

8. Relax and Regain Focus Through Laughter

One method that can help us relax and regain focus on what’s important to us is laughing. Laughter has been proven to be effective in relieving stress by enhancing our intake of oxygen-rich air, increasing endorphins in our brain and aiding in muscle relaxation. Given these and other positive effects, adding laughter into our lives can support our well-being and is an easy method at our disposal. - Elizabeth Semion, Elizabeth Semion & Associates

9. Stop The Negative Self-Talk

Staying centered requires discipline of the mind, which means stopping the negative self-talk. Checking in with oneself and taking five long, deep breaths takes about 60 seconds. With each exhale, you can release tension while focusing on each new breath. It’s like hitting the reset button on your computer, taking you back into a state of greater focus so you can remain calm. Internal and external self-awareness is key. - Melinda Fouts, Success Starts With You

10. Follow The Example Of Someone You Respect

Look to someone you respect—a person who exudes a presence of calm in a storm. The person could be a mentor, colleague or good friend. Ask yourself, “How do I see them handling stressful situations?” How do they behave when faced with challenges? They might do a mindfulness course over a four-day weekend, for example, or use journaling as an emotional outlet. Use their example as a guide for yourself. - Rick Itzkowich, Vistage Worldwide, Inc.

11. Check In With Your Values

Your values are present when you feel happiest, so ask yourself what you can do daily to honor your values and yourself. This approach allows you to make decisions more easily. You’ll feel connected and in control, ultimately decreasing stress. Plus, when your activities are aligned with your values, you’re more likely to achieve your deepest desires. - Rosie Guagliardo, InnerBrilliance Coaching

12. Handwrite Your Feelings, Questions and Thoughts

There is magic in physically writing with your hand. It’s scientifically proven that handwriting improves your memory of that information, is psychologically satisfying and helps order conflicting and competing thoughts. Writing out feelings, questions, anxieties and fears about an issue without judgment helps one see the problem more clearly and frees the mind to begin solving it logically. - Elaine Rosenblum, ProForm U®

13. Forge Meaningful Connections

Humans are social beings. As such, we need to never forget the healing power of meaningful connections. There is a ton of research validating the negative impact of trauma and the positive role healthy connections play in reducing stress while also building overall resilience. This is probably why women generally outlive men. Amazingly, even a connection with a pet makes a huge difference. - Eugene Dilan, DILAN Consulting Group

14. Leverage The Power Of Silence

First, listen to what the silence is telling you. Next, listen to your intuition; your intuition tells your thinking mind what to do next. Third, observe signs from nature to build your peripheral intelligence, as the universe is always communicating. Finally, spend time with people who matter to you. Bonding and connecting centers you and brings out the best in you. - Venkataraman Subramanyan, Tripura Multinational

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